Test driving Push notification in Bluemix

This post is a continuation of my earlier post ‘Getting started with mobile cloud in Bluemix‘. Here I take a test drive of the push service that Bluemix offers based on the article “Extend an Android app using the Push cloud service” from developerWorks.

This post assumes that you have already completed the changes from my earlier post for the mobile cloud. If you haven’t,  you could clone the code from “mobile data” which is the official IBM version of this app and includes all the changes needed for persisting data in the cloud through their Android.

The Mobile Cloud App I created on Bluemix is “mobtvg“. The main steps to have Push notification service using Bluemix are

  1. GCM services : Get Google API Project number  & GCM API Key
  2. Include the Google Play services library project
  3. Add the jar files to enable Push service
  4. Modify the server side Node.js file to send push notifications to all registered devices
  5. Make necessary code changes
  6. Run the application and test for notification

Here are more details on the above steps

a) GCM services : Google Cloud Messaging for Android (GCM) is a service that allows you to send data from your server to your users’ Android-powered device, and also to receive messages from devices on the same connection. The 1st thing to do is get the Google API Project number & GCM API key.

– Click on Google Developer Console

– Click Create Project. Enter Project name & click Create.

– Note the Project Number on top of the page.

– Click API & Auth on left panel. Click API.

– Scroll down and turn-on Google Messaging for Android

–  Click credentials and click “Create new key”. Click server key. Click create

-Copy API key in the Public API access

Now go the Bluemix dashboard and click your application. Click the Push module. In the Configuration tab, scroll down to Google Cloud Messaging and  click ‘Edit’

Enter the Google API Project Number & GCM API key for both the Sandbox & Production configuration and click Save.

b) In Eclipse click Windows->Android SDK manager. Scroll down to the bottom and under Extras select Google Play services. Click install. Once the installation is successful import the project as follows File-Import->Android->Existing Android  code into Workspace. Click Next. In the next screen Browse to the path where your ADT bundle is installed and choose the folder

<ADT-Bundle>\ sdk\extras\google\google_play_services

and Click Ok. Also  check ‘Copy project into workspace’. This will copy.


Now build the Google Play Services Project. To do this the project. Click Project->Properties->Android and make sure that you select ‘Is library project’ and then click build.


Add a reference to the Google Play services in the Androidmanifest.xml



android:value=”@integer/google_play_services_version” />

c) Make all the code changes given in Step 4 of “Extend an Android app using the Push cloud service.

d) In MainActivity.java make sure you change the app_name to the name of your app for e.g

public static final String CLASS_NAME = “MainActivity”;

public static final String APP_NAME = “mobtvg“;

Also ensure that under assets folder you have populated the Application ID in the bluemix.properties file

applicationID=<Application ID from Bluemix>

d) Add ibmcloudcode.jar, ibmpush.jar, android-support-v4.jar (from <Android_SDK_Location>/extras/android/support/v4)

e) Now the Mobile Push project need to include this library project. To do this select your Mobile App project. Click Project->Properties->Android. Click Add and select google-play-services-lib. Note: Make sure “Is library project” is unchecked otherwise you are in for a lot of grief.


f) Now you need to make changes to the Node.js application to push any changes from the server to all registered devices.  The code for this is in bluelist-push-node. Note; Making changes through the GUI results in an error that “manifest.yml is not in root node”. So I suggest that you take the ‘cf’ route as follows.

– Clone the code using Git

git clone https://hub.jazz.net/git/mobilecloud/bluelist-push

Go to bluelist-push-node folder

i) Open the app.js with your favorite editor and enter the Application ID of your Bluemix application

//Data Values

var values = {


//change this to the actual application id of your mobile backend starter


host : “https://mobile.ng.bluemix.net&#8221;


ii) Open manifest.yml and change host name & name to the name of your application for e.g.

host: mobtvg

disk: 1024M

name: mobtvg

command: node app.js

path: .

domain: ng.bluemix.net

mem: 128M

instances: 1

iii) Once the changes are complete, open a command propmpt and  login into Bluemix using ‘cf’ as follows

– cd to the directory in which Node.js & manifest.yml exist, Do

cf login – a http://api.ng.bluemix.net

cf push mobtvg -p . -m 512M

(Note the changes are pushed to the mobile cloud app on Bluemix)

This will run through and finally give the status that the app is running successfully.

f) Now that all changes are complete the Mobile Cloud with Push can be tested..

g) Click Window->Android Virtual Device Manager. Click the Device definitions. You choose Google Nexus, Nexus 7. Click Create AVD.

Note: Make sure you choose Google API Level Y and not Android x.x.x API Y.


Let the AVD come up and display the current items in the grocery list.

h) Login to Bluemix. Click Push and select the Notifications tab and enter a test message for e.g. “This is a notification from Bluemix” and click send.


This will result in a Push Notification to be sent to the AVD. You should see this popup on you AVD as shown below


i) Add another AVD through Windows-Android Virtual Device manager. While one AVD is running go to Run->Run Configurations->Target Device and choose the newly created AVD.

j) This will start a second AVD which will refresh with the contents of the grocery list. Now adda new item in one of AVD devices. This will result in a Push notification to the other device that the Bluelist has been updated.


There you have it.

1) A mobile cloud applications in which changes persist in the cloud and are refreshed each time the Android device is restarted.

2) A Push notification that is sent to all registered devices whenever there is a change to the list.

Disclaimer: This article represents the author’s viewpoint only and doesn’t necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions

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A method to crowd source pothole marking on (Indian) roads

In, India, roads and potholes are 2 sides of the same coin! You cannot think of one in exclusion of another. This post of mine looks at a novel technique of rapidly identifying & marking potholes in (Indian) roads. This approach can be used for any city in the world but is very pertinent to Indian roads.

This idea of mine provides a technique of quickly marking pothole in roads through the method of crowd sourcing


Introduction: It is a well known fact that Indian roads are riddled with potholes. Some may even say that there are potholes with patches of road in between them. This disclosure looks at a novel technique of rapidly identifying & marking potholes in (Indian) roads. The approach can be used for any city in the world. However this disclosure will focus on Indian roads. This disclosure proposes a novel technique of crowd-sourcing the marking of potholes on roads rather than having any single government body (NHAI etc) travel on roads to make the markings.

Description: This post proposes a novel crowd-sourced method for pothole marking that will be easy to conduct and extremely rapid The crowd-sourced pothole marking application will be made of the following components namely Pot-hole marking app, Backend server, Map Matching utility, Pothole ranking utility.

Pothole marking App: A location based smartphone app will need to be created preferably both on Android and iOS. The app will display the map with buttons to mark the following

a)   Points in map of potholes

b)   Bad segments of roads with potholes

Backend Server: The backend server will collect all the data (marked potholes) and bad segments of roads and will update a database.  A map-matching utility will map the latitude, longitude of the marked point on to a map. When the geographical location of a pothole is received (latitude, longitude) the backend server will also store the time stamp.

Pothole ranker: This module will run on a periodical basis, say once every 3 minutes. This module will determine all the potholes that have been entered in the last 3 minutes and add to the accumulated count of marked potholes. Each marked pothole will hold the count of the marks and also the time stamp of the mark. It will also rank the criticality of the pothole based on the accumulated count of potholes over the period.

The pothole ranker will maintain the following metrics

  1. Pothole criticality = Total accumulated count/ Total time
  2. Pothole impact measure = Max rate of pothole marks (Pothole marks/hr)
  3. Bad stretches of roads with many potholes =

Number of adjacent potholes/ Distance in meters


Description: This how the scheme will work in practice. The app will be uploaded into Google Play and Apple’s App store.  All users who would like to participate in the pothole marking exercise can download and install the app on their smart phones. These users when they are traveling on a road can mark potholes as they encounter them. It is assumed that the users are passengers in vehicles or pillion riders. The fact that users all over the city can simultaneously mark potholes as they encounter them will make the gathering of pothole data rapid and extremely accurate. A map of a city would need to be generated with the circles/points for locations of potholes, color-coded appropriately. We could use the color red for higher ranked potholes and yellow for lower ranked potholes with intermediate colors like purple, pink etc.  This data can then be used by Government bodies in addressing roads in fixing the roads.

There are three advantages of crowd sourcing the pothole marking

1)   The process of gathering data is rapid

2)   Roads where the traffic is heaviest will have potholes with a higher rank and can be addressed first

3)   The process will be very accurate

Crowd sourcing of pothole marking will have the following benefits

  1. The marking of potholes will be extremely rapid
  2. The potholes will be ranked based on accumulated count
  3. Ranking of potholes can be done on

– Total accumulated count/Total time

– Rate of pothole mark

– Critical segments with major potholes

4. It will be easy to segregate

– Critical potholes
– Max impactful potholes
– Bad road segment

  1. The process will be very accurate

Conclusion: The process of crowd sourcing pothole marking of Indian roads will be extremely efficient in marking potholes and bringing it to the attention of the Government.

A map of a city with the circles for locations of potholes, color-coded appropriately, to indicate higher marked potholes versus the lower ranked potholes could be generated. This map can be used to bring to the attention of the government the really bad roads and terrible road segments. Rather than having a couple of vehicles trying to ply roads and mark roads this will be very fast and extremely accurate.

Afterword: The concept of crowd sourcing for traffic is not new. Waze, which Google bought for close to $2bn does just that. It crowd sources traffic conditions and alerts users of the app. Also I did a Google search on using mobile apps for potholes marking and, not surprisingly, there were others who had also thought of a similar idea in Boston & Florida see the links below

  1. http://www.cityofboston.gov/doit/apps/citizensconnect.asp
  2. http://dailycrowdsource.com/20-resources/projects/421-crowdsourced-pothole-database-to-track-road-repair

However, I personally think that the situation in India is different, where there are ‘roads in between potholes’ ;-). While in the above 2 cases in US, only the location of the potholes is important, my idea ranks potholes based on the accumulated count and the rate of pothole marks. These metrics can be used by the government in addressing those sections of roads where the potholes have a higher rank i.e. where the traffic is highest.

Your thoughts are welcome.

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