Cricket analytics with cricketr!!!

Important note: The 3rd paperback & kindle editions of my books on Cricket, now on Amazon

My ebook “Cricket analytics with cricketr’  has been published in Leanpub.  You can now download the book (hot off the press!)  for all formats to your favorite device (mobile, iPad, tablet, Kindle)  from the Leanpub  “Cricket analytics with cricketr”. The book has been published in the following formats namely

  • PDF (for your computer)
  • EPUB (for iPad or tablets. Save the file cricketr.epub to Google Drive/Dropbox and choose “Open in” iBooks for iPad)
  • MOBI (for Kindle. For this format, I suggest that you download & install SendToKindle for PC/Mac. You can then right click the downloaded and choose SendToKindle. You will need to login to your Kindle account)

From Leanpub
UntitledLeanpub uses a variable pricing model. I have priced the book attractively (I think!)  at $2.50 with a minimum price of $0.00 (FREE!!! limited time offer!).  The link is “Cricket analytics with cricketr

This format works with all type Kindle, Android tablet, iPad.

From Amazon

If you are passionate about cricket, and love analyzing cricket performances, then check out my 2 racy books on cricket! In my books, I perform detailed yet compact analysis of performances of both batsmen, bowlers besides evaluating team & match performances in Tests , ODIs, T20s & IPL. You can buy my books on cricket from Amazon at $12.99 for the paperback and $4.99/$6.99 respectively for the kindle versions. The books can be accessed at Cricket analytics with cricketr  and Beaten by sheer pace-Cricket analytics with yorkr  A must read for any cricket lover! Check it out!!

You can download the latest PDF version of the book  at  ‘Cricket analytics with cricketr and cricpy: Analytics harmony with R and Python-6th edition


Important note: The latest release of ‘cricketr’ now includes the ability to analyze performances of teams now!!  See Cricketr adds team analytics to its repertoire!!!

Cricket has been the “national passion” of India for decades. As a boy I was also held in thrall by a strong cricketing passion like many. Cricket is a truly fascinating game! I would catch the sporting action with my friends as we crowded around a transistor that brought us live, breathless radio commentary. We also spent many hours glued to live cricket action on the early black and white TVs. This used to be an experience of sorts, as every now and then a part of the body of the players, would detach itself and stretch to the sides. But it was enjoyable all the same.

Nowadays broadcast technology has improved so much and we get detailed visual analysis of the how each bowler varies the swing and length of the delivery. We are also able to see the strokes of batsman in slow motion.   Similarly computing technology has also advanced by leaps and bounds and we can analyze players in great detail with a few lines of code in languages like R, Python etc.

In 2015, I completed Machine Learning from Stanford at Coursera.  I was looking around for data to play around with, when it suddenly struck me that I could do some regression analysis of batting records.  In the subsequent months, I took the Data Science Specialization from John Hopkins University, which triggered more ideas in me. One thing led to another and I managed to put together an R package called ‘cricketr’.  I developed this package over 7 months adding and refining functions. Finally, I managed to submit the package to CRAN.  During the development of the package for different formats of the game I wrote a series of posts in my blog.

This book is a collection of those cricket related posts.  There are 6 posts based on my R package cricketr. I have also included 2 earlier posts based on R which I wrote before I created my R package. Finally, I also include another 2 cricket posts based on Machine Learning in which I used the language Octave.

My cricketr’ package is a first, for cricket analytics, howzzat!  and I am certain that it won’t be the last. Cricket is a wonderful pitch for statisticians, data scientists and machine learning experts. So you can expect some cool packages in the years to come.

I had a great time developing the package. I hope you have a wonderful time reading this book. Do remember to download from “Cricket analytics with cricketr

Feel free to get in touch with me anytime through email included below

Tinniam V Ganesh
January 28, 2016

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